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Hiking in Nature


I offer a 30 minute, free consultation. This is an opportunity for us to get acquainted, for you to ask questions, and to see if we are a good fit. Please call, text, or email me to schedule a consultation. 


Counseling sessions are 50-60 minutes each

and typically occur weekly or bi-weekly.


I simply ask that you pay as much as you know you can reasonably afford ranging from $50-$150/ Session. I have a set # of scholarship slots available. Please inquire to determine lowest fee available.


Ketamine Support cost is TBD by your unique needs and treatment plan.

Generally it will be one preparation session, per/hour $ for treatment support, and one integration session. Treatments are administered by a third party and costs associated would be separate from mine.

Additional Sessions TBD



Areas of Interest

LGBTQ+ Support

The Queer community suffers from collective PTSD related to their sexuality or gender identity. One doesn’t need to look very far to see that existing outside of normative culture is often an oppressive experience. Even if one receives the most ideal circumstances in their personal life (i.e. acceptance and understanding from their friends and family), it is likely that everyone in the LGBTQ+ community suffers adversity from a cultural standpoint. The effect these adversities have on one’s experience of life began well before their conscious mind became aware of them. The message that something about them was wrong or unacceptable was woven into the fabric of their existence. These mechanisms of cultural oppression translate to inescapable harm. Struggles with identity issues, hyper-sexualization, substance abuse, anxiety, depression, and shame are all too common. I endeavor to bring a compassionate ear and heart to the real depth of these traumas and adversities, and provide a safe space to explore how they live in LGBTQ+ people. Together, we can face the things inside that feel impossible to face alone. There are great lessons and gifts to discover if only we find the courage and support to face our fears with the intention to heal. 

LGBTQ+ Support
Mother's Hug

Relationship Dynamics

All of life is made up of relationships. Relationships can be with a romantic partner, a friend, family member, or pet, as well as with your career, hobbies, habits, and addictions. Essentially, we are having a “relationship” with something all the time. Above all else, the relationship of greatest importance is the one we have with ourselves. It is from this perspective that we forge every other relationship. If we do not invest equally in the relationship we have with ourselves, we will suffer limitations in every other relationship. These limitations can manifest as poor boundaries, codependency, communication struggles, and lack of self-confidence. We can create REAL transformation in all corners of life simply by turning inward and tending to the vast terrain of the self. I’m confident that together we can explore various compelling strategies for you to grow your relationships in new ways. 

Relationship Dynamic

Masculine/Feminine Divisions

In the United States, we live in what is known as a patriarchy. defines patriarchy as “a form of social organization in which the father is the supreme authority in the family, clan, or tribe, or; a social system in which power is held by men, through cultural norms and customs that favor men and withhold opportunity from women.” Take that in for a second. Concomitant to racial injustice is the divide, the inequities, between the masculine and feminine within humanity. These divisions happen between people but also within each of us. Behaviors and attitudes regarding a “woman’s place”, “toxic-masculinity”, gender roles, etc., and how they affect economics, power dynamics, self-worth, mutual respect, and autonomy vs. dependency, generates animosity and division in relationships and in oneself. My intention is to create a healing space for this conversation to unfold. Whether it be sharing an article to learn more about how this immense inequity affects society, to tackling how patriarchal systems have shaped the person you are and how you regard others. Together I believe we can begin to unravel the limitations this paradigm imposes on our personal existence and the prosperity of those we love.

Distanced Couple
Masculine/Feminine Divisions
Thinking Man

Grief & Loss

Having lost loved ones to cancer, drug-overdoses, and medical complications, means grief has been nearby for much of my life. After the collective shock began to wear off and I really dug into what grief is made of, I began to realize that it is so much more than these acute tragedies. It became clear that grief was in every corner of my life. As Francis Weller says, “Everything you love you will lose.” Grief is what takes the place of these things we have loved and lost. Whether it is a person, pet, career path, letting go of what we once had, or what we dreamed we would become, loss is a very painful and disorienting experience. All of the things we love that seem like they have disintegrated have simply transformed into a journey with grief. Depending on the severity of the loss, there may never be a day when we feel done, processed, or complete. Instead of trying to move past these feelings for good, we can instead listen to what they have to teach us. Being in “right-relationship” with grief can create greater resiliency and open the door for healing from experiences like death, divorce, mid-life crises, or ecosystem collapse. I would be honored to work with you on your relationship with grief and how it can serve you throughout your life.

Grief and Loss

Personal & Spiritual Growth

As they say, “All roads lead to Rome”. No matter the starting point, our life path is leading us toward greater self-realization, acceptance, and empowerment. Words like “personal growth”, “mindfulness”, and “self-discovery” have become very trendy in the mainstream. While there are innumerable ways to seek these states, many common methods are a one-size-fits-all approach. Core Energetics offers the unique ability to meet a person wherever they are and create new space for the most appropriate and essential healing. It is hard to deny that the word “spiritual” invokes controversial feelings.This word means something different to everyone and in some cases it means absolutely nothing. A more universally approachable word essential to the work we will do together is ”soul”. There is a force inside each of us that we do not fully comprehend yet at one time or another have had a felt sense of. In those moments we are remarkably aware of an unexplainable force within ourselves, in nature, or in feeling connected with something beautiful like art or music. At other times in our life, we may feel a stark absence of this soulfulness. We may be overstressed, disconnected, or depressed and potentially even lose sight of why we would want to be alive at all. As we develop, we can learn to trust our soul and its inherent wisdom, that which is greater than ourselves, to guide us lovingly toward a deeper sense of aliveness. This is difficult and sacred work. But when the cracks begin to open up and light is shining in places you never thought possible, it can be the most fulfilling and worthwhile risk you may ever take. 

Room To Feel Hand In Water.jpg
Personal Growth

Equity Statement

As a white, cis-gendered male, I am committed to continually deepening my understanding of the intersection of my privilege and social injustice. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I have the perspective of what it means to be a sexual  minority. With my lived experience of  inequity as a cornerstone, I devote myself to greater awareness of the perspectives of women and  BIPOC and am committed to dismantling the systems of oppression they face. 

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